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Home » Quero Cuidar-me » Nutrição


A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are key factors in promoting health and achieving a better quality of life.

A balanced diet not only helps prevent many illnesses, but also enhances the benefits of health-boosting and wellness treatments.

Thinking of you and your health, we have prepared a dietary checklist, so we can take any eventual conditions, food intolerances and/or food allergies into account when preparing your meals.

The Alquimia restaurant offers several alternatives in its daily menus and buffets: healthy, light, diet... all supervised by our nutritionist.
If you wish a light meal or snack, visit the Aquacaffé and choose from its healthy, nutritious selection.

Bookings / Information: geral@aquadome.com.pt

Healthy Tips

Eat a balanced diet…look after yourself and your health

Make sure you always eat a full, balanced breakfast. Breakfast is extremely important and should include a low-fat dairy product (milk, cheese or yoghurt), a complex carbohydrate (wholegrain bread or cereal) and a piece of fruit;

Eat every 3 hours; eat light snacks between main meals;

Eat more fruit and vegetables;

Start your main meals with a vegetable soup. In addition to having a high nutritional value, vegetable soup promotes fullness, controls appetite and helps regulate bowel movements;

Opt for lean meat and fish; fish and white meat provide the same amount of protein as red men, but contain less fat. Try to eat more fish than meat, alternating between the two;

Opt for simple, healthier cooking methods, such as boiling, steaming and grilling;

Cut down on fat in cooking and seasoning; use olive oil, preferably raw, instead of other fats;

Reduce the amount of salt in your diet; replace salt with fleur de sel, herbs or spices;

Always eat fruit for dessert; eat a piece of fruit with another food (e.g. bread, yoghurt, wholegrain bread) between meals to avert hunger pangs;

Watch the amount of sugar in your diet; avoid adding sugar to food and drinks and cut down on sugary foods;

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, preferably between meals; water is essential to keeping hydrated;

If you drink alcohol, do it in moderation;

Cut down on heavily processed foods and try to eat as many natural foods as possible;

Prepare your meals in a relaxing environment and eat slowly, tasting your food;

Exercise regularly.

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